Women in Wellness: Laurence Curtis

May 11, 2022

Laurence Curtis, 28, of Alberta, Canada begins her day with a glass of water and lemon. She puts on her diffuser, opens her journal and focuses on specific moments of gratitude. She then writes affirmations, setting an intention for how she wants to feel, and she pulls a card from her “The Universe has Your Back” deck. She inhales a deep breath of her favorite essential oil, called “Valor.”

The blend of black spruce, blue tansy, geranium, frankincense, and camphor wood is her confidence and courage in a bottle, she says, her perfume. Soldiers used to inhale this particular fragrance before battle. 

Laurence then does some yoga or light stretching, and makes a nutritious breakfast, an even bigger priority now that she’s pregnant. She works full-time, from home, as a Silver Leader with Young Living. She connects women to the same essential oils that transformed her entire life. 

She’s devoted her whole being to wellness, and her presence is powerful and calm. I was delighted to pick her brain about her journey back to wellness.

Here’s Laurence: 

how it began

I was a perfectionist, a people pleaser. I just wanted everybody to love me, and I rushed through life wanting to achieve so many things because the only way that I would feel like I was worthy would be to achieve. I identified myself as somebody who was a high performer when really it was just a coping mechanism for not stopping and facing all the shit that was going on inside of me.

It was actually my journey with Young Living where I started using essential oils and slowing down and listening to my body and connecting with myself where I realized how much anxiety I actually had. You have to heal from within and you have to also slow down and reconnect with yourself and breathe and take time for yourself. These were concepts that were unknown to me, like completely unknown. It's so crazy to think that now.

I had so many different symptoms showing up in my life, like hormonal issues, like painful periods, like digestive issues and I had all these tests done, so I decided to go see a naturopath and that's kind of how I fell into Young Living and essential oils and natural living because I was looking for an out. 

it called to her 

I fell in love with the idea of feeling good. I wanted to educate and empower other women to feel good and see the transformation that I did in the very short amount of time that I did by making those switches [from chemicals to natural alternatives]. It was like my calling. I’m going to empower women to stop rushing, start living more intentionally, slowing down, taking care of themselves.

For me, what I’m getting from this is helping see transformation in people’s lives.

one foot is vision, the other is action

For me, wellness is so much more than your physical body. It’s about personal development, too. And your mindset, your mental health. That box of oils didn’t just bring me the physical benefits of using essential oils and oils for emotions, it also brought me a community of women who were lifting me up when I had no self confidence, when I had low self worth, and a community of people who wanted to grow and be better, and I think you need to be surrounded by people who want to lift and grow and evolve for you to also want to do that.

The truth is if you don’t put yourself first, if you’re pouring from an empty cup,  you’re actually not showing up in the world the way that you could be, and it's actually selfless to pour into your own cup first, it’s not selfish. How you show up is so important. 

If you have vision and you put in the action, those are like two feet. One foot is the vision and one foot is the action, and you have to have both.

My business will stop growing as soon as I stop growing, as soon as I stop putting in the work. 

If the reason why you are doing something is strong enough, it will help you overcome all the fears, doubts, insecurities. If you weren't able to do it, it wouldn't be put on your path by the Universe.

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